Enhancing Financial Planning with ChatGPT: A Collaborative Approach between Technology and Human Expertise
Check In & Cocktails 5:30pm - Brandywine Room
Dinner 6:15pm - duPont & Mason Rooms (upstairs)
Speaker and Program 7:00pm
Be sure to indicate any special dietary needs in the comments section.
- RSVP below, members be sure to select no charge.
- Please indicate any dietery requests in the "Special Request" section of the RSVP form.
- Guests must pay online via credit card prior to the event. (Instructions for paying by credit card, after clicking submit you will be taken to another page. You do not have to use paypal. Simply scroll to the bottom of the payment screen and select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card").
About our Speaker:
Eric T. Ludwig, CFP®, is an accomplished retirement income planning expert, Assistant Professor of Retirement Income, and RICP® program director. As Co-Director of the Center for Retirement Income at The American College of Financial Services, Eric is passionate about developing research and innovative solutions that help investors achieve financial security and personal fulfillment, two essential components of overall retirement well-being. Click here to read complete bio.